Thursday, December 10, 2009
Since you Dems out there don’t watch anything but the state controlled media, I thought I should jump in and let you know what’s going on. Climate change, what used to be called global warming is costing us, the American taxpayers and consumers, gazillions of dollars. Congress and the Obama Admin’s cap and trade for example. And, it’s not just within our country, it’s global. Austrailia for instance was just getting ready to pass a carbon footprint law that would cost each Austrailia taxpayer an ave of $4800 a year added onto their tax bill. About a month ago, someone from the University of Anglia, who is supposedly the foremost authority on the subject, someone leaked emails showing that the world is not warming, but now in a cooling cycle. Anglia and others who work on big buck research money (mostly from our taxes) supposedly destroyed research data so not to let this info get out to the world. Now, last week some hacker got in and again released these 3000, that’s 3000 emails. Now 31,000 scientists and physicists are coming forward and saying “See we told ya so.” And what is the state controlled media ie NBC CBS ABC MSNBC CNN etc putting out on this. Absolutely NOTHING. Austrailia and a few other countries did the right thing and has put all climate change legislation on hold until this thing is investigated. Not the good ol US. They are pushing it under the rug and going forward with everything just as if nothing had happened. Somebody read some UK and German newspapers. The head of the research at Anglia has had to step down for his alleged HOAX and is being investigated for prosecution. That means jail for FRAUD. Not in the US. Let’s move forward with legislation that may by completely unnecessary and a big waste of taxpayer $$$$$$. Why not do the responsible thing like they did and put this stuff on hold for now. Let’s find out what’s really going on. The White House won’t respond with a press release, but Gibbs, when confronted with the information and that list of 31,000 scientists said “I don't doubt that, uh, uh, that th-there's such a list. Uhhh, Lester, I think there's no real scientific basis for the dispute of this.” That’s your tax dollars at work. Decisions made by a political spin doctor. Say what you want about Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, and all the presidents before them, but there has never been so many lies come out of the White House as now. It’s been nothing but lies and fraud for the last 10 months. Just go look at the internet and wade through all the left and right bullshit. Somewhere in there you will see what you can believe. Last night Obama quoted Lincoln “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” WHERE IS IT? I’m talking about all of congress, not just the democrats. Look at the bs from that repubgovernor of NC and now we find out that repub Huckabee legislates from the heart instead of looking at facts. I heard yesterday afternoon that he had pardoned, commuted, or forgiven over a thousand murderers, rapist, and other big time criminals in Arkansas including, as we know, is that ahole that executed the four cops a few days ago. We need to start right now letting them elected officials know that we are tired of this crap. Take a look around. Unemployment, crime, spending power of today’s dollar. How has this affected you? How about people you know? Use the ol “Inherited from Bush” cop out as much as you want. The one’s in the House Senate and Executive right now are killing our country. Look at health care. They have a golden opportunity to sit down and think it out and get it right. Instead they are trying to push crap through so fast, it’s gonna be the same old trash at a higher price. It’s all getting worse and we’re paying for it. I retired less than two years ago with a pretty good nest egg. It’s now worth less than half in dollars and less than a third in spending power. Wake up!
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