Thursday, December 10, 2009
Since you Dems out there don’t watch anything but the state controlled media, I thought I should jump in and let you know what’s going on. Climate change, what used to be called global warming is costing us, the American taxpayers and consumers, gazillions of dollars. Congress and the Obama Admin’s cap and trade for example. And, it’s not just within our country, it’s global. Austrailia for instance was just getting ready to pass a carbon footprint law that would cost each Austrailia taxpayer an ave of $4800 a year added onto their tax bill. About a month ago, someone from the University of Anglia, who is supposedly the foremost authority on the subject, someone leaked emails showing that the world is not warming, but now in a cooling cycle. Anglia and others who work on big buck research money (mostly from our taxes) supposedly destroyed research data so not to let this info get out to the world. Now, last week some hacker got in and again released these 3000, that’s 3000 emails. Now 31,000 scientists and physicists are coming forward and saying “See we told ya so.” And what is the state controlled media ie NBC CBS ABC MSNBC CNN etc putting out on this. Absolutely NOTHING. Austrailia and a few other countries did the right thing and has put all climate change legislation on hold until this thing is investigated. Not the good ol US. They are pushing it under the rug and going forward with everything just as if nothing had happened. Somebody read some UK and German newspapers. The head of the research at Anglia has had to step down for his alleged HOAX and is being investigated for prosecution. That means jail for FRAUD. Not in the US. Let’s move forward with legislation that may by completely unnecessary and a big waste of taxpayer $$$$$$. Why not do the responsible thing like they did and put this stuff on hold for now. Let’s find out what’s really going on. The White House won’t respond with a press release, but Gibbs, when confronted with the information and that list of 31,000 scientists said “I don't doubt that, uh, uh, that th-there's such a list. Uhhh, Lester, I think there's no real scientific basis for the dispute of this.” That’s your tax dollars at work. Decisions made by a political spin doctor. Say what you want about Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, and all the presidents before them, but there has never been so many lies come out of the White House as now. It’s been nothing but lies and fraud for the last 10 months. Just go look at the internet and wade through all the left and right bullshit. Somewhere in there you will see what you can believe. Last night Obama quoted Lincoln “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” WHERE IS IT? I’m talking about all of congress, not just the democrats. Look at the bs from that repubgovernor of NC and now we find out that repub Huckabee legislates from the heart instead of looking at facts. I heard yesterday afternoon that he had pardoned, commuted, or forgiven over a thousand murderers, rapist, and other big time criminals in Arkansas including, as we know, is that ahole that executed the four cops a few days ago. We need to start right now letting them elected officials know that we are tired of this crap. Take a look around. Unemployment, crime, spending power of today’s dollar. How has this affected you? How about people you know? Use the ol “Inherited from Bush” cop out as much as you want. The one’s in the House Senate and Executive right now are killing our country. Look at health care. They have a golden opportunity to sit down and think it out and get it right. Instead they are trying to push crap through so fast, it’s gonna be the same old trash at a higher price. It’s all getting worse and we’re paying for it. I retired less than two years ago with a pretty good nest egg. It’s now worth less than half in dollars and less than a third in spending power. Wake up!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Ivory Webb's Acquital, my take
From June, 2007
I have been bombarded with email about Deputy Ivory Webb’s acquittal, asking me my take on the verdict.
As with all of you, I saw the same five second snippets from the 1 minute 15 second video shot on January 29th, 2006 at 1030 pm. And, like you, after watching it, I said “This cop is done.” As the story unfolded, I remembered my training, and how I train my guys “Do a thorough investigation before you make your mind up.” There is always three sides (or more) to every incident. There’s the victim’s side, the suspect’s side, and then there’s the truth. The ‘or more’ refers to witnesses. I was also reminded of another video I saw where the police were chasing a guy and the video showed the officer shooting a fleeing suspect in the back. When I saw that one, I remember thinking “Holy shit, what is he doing?” Then I saw another tape taken from another angle from another police car. This tape of the same incident was at an angle where you could clearly see the the fleeing suspect had a gun in his right hand, pointing it across his body over his left shoulder, shooting at the officers. Once again, thorough investigation required. As the old saying my Mom always used goes “never believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.” Also, you gotta keep in mind that I wrote my first traffic ticket under California law in 1973 as a Marine Corps MP stationed at MCAS El Toro and I’ve been a sworn peace officer in California now for 19 years. So my opinions may differ from yours and even from those of other police officers.
When the the news first hit about Webb “shooting an unarmed Airman,” I watched the tape and listened intently to what reporters said and read the same papers as everyone else. I have never been privy to any other documents, nor was I in court, so my opinions here are strictly from my interpretation of media events.
As I remember, initial reports were that Webb was chasing a stolen Corvette at speeds over 100 mph, that ended when the Corvette crashed. Then the tape. Then the followup reports. Of course we all focused on the shooting but I never understood about the Corvette. Did Escobedo (the driver) and Carrion steal the car or not? This is a very important issue during the incident on Webb’s mindset and how the suspect’s will be dealt with once you catch them. If you think they’re just a couple drunks driving fast, you act a whole lot different than you do if you’re chasing a couple guys in a stolen car. The papers never told that story again. I also had a hard time following Escobedo. They charged him with DUI and fleeing then in Sept they charged him with possession of a loaded firearm on a separate incident. He got six months in jail and 3 years probation for the the Webb incident and I don’t know what he got for the gun incident. The lesson here is, you hang out with guys that make bad decisions and do bad things, don’t be surprised when something bad happens.
Anyway, the public is outraged that a cop shoots an unarmed American hero who has just returned from duty in Iraq. A supposedly thorough investigation is conducted, Webb is charged, fired from his job as a Deputy and then pleads not guilty to attempted voluntary manslaughter and/or assault with a deadly weapon with great bodily injury using a firearm. Then they do the background on all the players. The media gets family and friends to talk about the case giving their personal opinions which has absolutely no weight with the case but we the readers form our opinions that way. I did think it interesting that Webb’s Dad is a retired Police Chief and that Webb himself was a starter in the 1982 Rose Bowl for Iowa as a wide receiver. Who won that game? Anyway, do I believe Webb got up that morning and said “I think today’s the day that I get to kill somebody?” No, I don’t believe that for a minute. Therefore, the attempt murder charges that Carrion’s side wanted were definitely a no go since 187 requires “specific intent of malice aforethought.” I know, he could have acquired it during the incident, but as far as the media reported, his background never showed any traits of a cowboy gunslinger. Instead, he was a loving family man who as a cop was “by the book.” As for Carrion and Escobedo, I don’t remember much being said on either except for Carrion just returning from Iraq. I do remember a few interviews of family members where they spoke through translators and the Mexican flag was shown behind them. As I mentioned before, Escobedo and the subsequent gun incident.
OK, on to the trial. Much weight was placed on both sides on expert testimony. Retired LA Sheriff’s Lt Joe Callahan for the prosecution and Inglewood Sgt Kent Ferrin for the defense. Remember, both of these guys are paid witnesses. As I heard accounts of testimony from Callahan, especially where he said Webb broke every rule of his training, I thought to myself “They must train differently in LA than they do in Orange County where I was trained, cause I never heard of that one, or that one either, or even that one.” Ferrin on the other hand, came across in accounts as a level headed, philosopher looking at the totality of the circumstances. Not having heard actual testimony, I wonder how both came across in court. Obviously, the jurors went with Ferrin.
Anyway, was I happy with the verdict? You danged right. My opinion has nothing to do with whether Carrion deserved to get shot or not. Every time a cop makes a decision, every time that decision has to be made in a split second, the media, the attorneys, the so called experts, and even you and I, have all the time in the world to dissect it and make judgements. The good thing is that this case made everyone stop and look at the whole picture, not just the video. This things definitely not over though. The media won’t let it drop. Federal lawsuit? Will Webb ever get back to police work? There’s a lot more to come. This circus has just begun, but at least Webb won’t have to deal with it from jail with a blue protective custody band on his wrist.
And me, I’ll go back to doing other important things….. like the Spector trial……
I have been bombarded with email about Deputy Ivory Webb’s acquittal, asking me my take on the verdict.
As with all of you, I saw the same five second snippets from the 1 minute 15 second video shot on January 29th, 2006 at 1030 pm. And, like you, after watching it, I said “This cop is done.” As the story unfolded, I remembered my training, and how I train my guys “Do a thorough investigation before you make your mind up.” There is always three sides (or more) to every incident. There’s the victim’s side, the suspect’s side, and then there’s the truth. The ‘or more’ refers to witnesses. I was also reminded of another video I saw where the police were chasing a guy and the video showed the officer shooting a fleeing suspect in the back. When I saw that one, I remember thinking “Holy shit, what is he doing?” Then I saw another tape taken from another angle from another police car. This tape of the same incident was at an angle where you could clearly see the the fleeing suspect had a gun in his right hand, pointing it across his body over his left shoulder, shooting at the officers. Once again, thorough investigation required. As the old saying my Mom always used goes “never believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.” Also, you gotta keep in mind that I wrote my first traffic ticket under California law in 1973 as a Marine Corps MP stationed at MCAS El Toro and I’ve been a sworn peace officer in California now for 19 years. So my opinions may differ from yours and even from those of other police officers.
When the the news first hit about Webb “shooting an unarmed Airman,” I watched the tape and listened intently to what reporters said and read the same papers as everyone else. I have never been privy to any other documents, nor was I in court, so my opinions here are strictly from my interpretation of media events.
As I remember, initial reports were that Webb was chasing a stolen Corvette at speeds over 100 mph, that ended when the Corvette crashed. Then the tape. Then the followup reports. Of course we all focused on the shooting but I never understood about the Corvette. Did Escobedo (the driver) and Carrion steal the car or not? This is a very important issue during the incident on Webb’s mindset and how the suspect’s will be dealt with once you catch them. If you think they’re just a couple drunks driving fast, you act a whole lot different than you do if you’re chasing a couple guys in a stolen car. The papers never told that story again. I also had a hard time following Escobedo. They charged him with DUI and fleeing then in Sept they charged him with possession of a loaded firearm on a separate incident. He got six months in jail and 3 years probation for the the Webb incident and I don’t know what he got for the gun incident. The lesson here is, you hang out with guys that make bad decisions and do bad things, don’t be surprised when something bad happens.
Anyway, the public is outraged that a cop shoots an unarmed American hero who has just returned from duty in Iraq. A supposedly thorough investigation is conducted, Webb is charged, fired from his job as a Deputy and then pleads not guilty to attempted voluntary manslaughter and/or assault with a deadly weapon with great bodily injury using a firearm. Then they do the background on all the players. The media gets family and friends to talk about the case giving their personal opinions which has absolutely no weight with the case but we the readers form our opinions that way. I did think it interesting that Webb’s Dad is a retired Police Chief and that Webb himself was a starter in the 1982 Rose Bowl for Iowa as a wide receiver. Who won that game? Anyway, do I believe Webb got up that morning and said “I think today’s the day that I get to kill somebody?” No, I don’t believe that for a minute. Therefore, the attempt murder charges that Carrion’s side wanted were definitely a no go since 187 requires “specific intent of malice aforethought.” I know, he could have acquired it during the incident, but as far as the media reported, his background never showed any traits of a cowboy gunslinger. Instead, he was a loving family man who as a cop was “by the book.” As for Carrion and Escobedo, I don’t remember much being said on either except for Carrion just returning from Iraq. I do remember a few interviews of family members where they spoke through translators and the Mexican flag was shown behind them. As I mentioned before, Escobedo and the subsequent gun incident.
OK, on to the trial. Much weight was placed on both sides on expert testimony. Retired LA Sheriff’s Lt Joe Callahan for the prosecution and Inglewood Sgt Kent Ferrin for the defense. Remember, both of these guys are paid witnesses. As I heard accounts of testimony from Callahan, especially where he said Webb broke every rule of his training, I thought to myself “They must train differently in LA than they do in Orange County where I was trained, cause I never heard of that one, or that one either, or even that one.” Ferrin on the other hand, came across in accounts as a level headed, philosopher looking at the totality of the circumstances. Not having heard actual testimony, I wonder how both came across in court. Obviously, the jurors went with Ferrin.
Anyway, was I happy with the verdict? You danged right. My opinion has nothing to do with whether Carrion deserved to get shot or not. Every time a cop makes a decision, every time that decision has to be made in a split second, the media, the attorneys, the so called experts, and even you and I, have all the time in the world to dissect it and make judgements. The good thing is that this case made everyone stop and look at the whole picture, not just the video. This things definitely not over though. The media won’t let it drop. Federal lawsuit? Will Webb ever get back to police work? There’s a lot more to come. This circus has just begun, but at least Webb won’t have to deal with it from jail with a blue protective custody band on his wrist.
And me, I’ll go back to doing other important things….. like the Spector trial……
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Federal Budget- We're in BIG TROUBLE!
The white house announced the figures for the 2009 deficit. Good news, they say, it’s 250 billion lower than expected. It’s only gonna be $1.58 trillion. That $1,580,000,000,000.00. So, do the math. That means our federal government is spending $50,101.47 a second ( x 60 is more than $3 million a minute) or $5300.00 per person per year (US pop estimated at 300 million). The IRS says there are 156 million people who filed taxes in 2008. (It’s gonna be less in 2009 because of all the unemployment) So that’s $10,128 per taxpayer minimum. If they don’t raise taxes, they’re gonna have to have one hell of a fundraiser.
Now remember boys and girls this is only the deficit. That’s not counting the other $2 trillion they spent. I’ll let you do the rest of the math. (Actually they spent more than that cause they make interest on our money, although this year not much. The interest they pay on borrowed money is included in the deficit) So add $10,128.00 to what you already pay in. Also, remember that’s only Fed. The state is a whole different story, especially for us Californians.
We have to tell our legislatures this is out of hand. They still want to add the health care reform to this at another trillion. Our dollar is becoming worthless. Our government is driving us into the ground fast. I don’t care if you’re an Obama fan or not, the numbers don’t lie. And these are the numbers from his white house.
Tell them all to STOP THE SPENDING! If that means putting health care reform aside for now, so be it. Pull the troops. Stop foreign aid. Remember we only have seven years to fix social security or we’re really in trouble.
Ok, I did the math for you, total they spend $3.56 trillion for 2009. Our Fed govt spends $6.84 Million a minute.
For you non-believers who think this is only a Republican scare tactic.
Have a good day!
Uncle R
Now remember boys and girls this is only the deficit. That’s not counting the other $2 trillion they spent. I’ll let you do the rest of the math. (Actually they spent more than that cause they make interest on our money, although this year not much. The interest they pay on borrowed money is included in the deficit) So add $10,128.00 to what you already pay in. Also, remember that’s only Fed. The state is a whole different story, especially for us Californians.
We have to tell our legislatures this is out of hand. They still want to add the health care reform to this at another trillion. Our dollar is becoming worthless. Our government is driving us into the ground fast. I don’t care if you’re an Obama fan or not, the numbers don’t lie. And these are the numbers from his white house.
Tell them all to STOP THE SPENDING! If that means putting health care reform aside for now, so be it. Pull the troops. Stop foreign aid. Remember we only have seven years to fix social security or we’re really in trouble.
Ok, I did the math for you, total they spend $3.56 trillion for 2009. Our Fed govt spends $6.84 Million a minute.
For you non-believers who think this is only a Republican scare tactic.
Have a good day!
Uncle R
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Duped by the Pit Bull Stories
I have to admit that the agenda driven media duped me once again.
I read all the articles about Pit Bulls and how they should be outlawed. I read that when they bite, their jaws lock and you can’t get them to let go even by killing them. I heard that once they taste blood, that’sit, they’ll go after it at every chance. I believed it. It must be true. I read it over and over in the papers and saw it on the TV news.
Then came Scrappy.
Just about a year ago, we closed escrow on our house. The house is twenty years old and the previous tenants had ben foreclosed on. It sits on the end of a culdesac. There are only three houses on the street and one was just built and has never been occupied.
According to the neighbors, about two years ago this young black male American Pit Bull appeared in the neighborhood. Speculation is that he had been abandoned by someone who had been foreclosed on and couldn’t bear to take him to the shelter. Another theory is that he was a run away from an abusive owner. Either way, this dog was wild and nobody could get close to him. No one had ever petted this dog. Neighbors felt sorry for him and put out water and dry food as well as table scraps. The pit would watch from a distance and when he felt safe would go after the scraps. He didn’t feel safe eating them there and would cart the scraps off to a safer place in the brush or in the hills before gobbling them down. He soon was dubbed “Scrappy.”
Scrappy would hunker down where he felt safe and would usually bark throughout the night whenever a car, person, or animal would come into the neighborhood. County Animal Control had been called but Scrappy would run and hide in the hills upon their arrival.
Along comes a home builder named Karl. Karl builds houses in custom neighborhoods for a living. He bought the half acre parcel and proceeded to build just about the time this vicious pit bull, Scrappy had been dropped off in the neighborhood. As Karl framed and enclosed the house, he installed a chain link fence. The Pit discovered that it was good shelter at night. He could stay on the porch of this house and could see enemies coming towards him as well as having exits for a getaway.
As Karl worked on the house, he would try to on breaks to coax Scrappy with bits of his lunch and snacks. It took a long while but he and Scrappy became friends. Karl had tamed the savage beast. Scrappy now became the protector of Karl’s property and barked angrily whenever someone besides Karl would come close to the construction. Only Karl could get close enough to this animal to pet him.
Karl was finishing his construction just about the time my wife and I closed on our house. We decided that our new home which had been built twenty years prior needed lots of remodel before we could move in. Every morning I would come to work on the house. Scrappy would bark at me then watch as I entered the house. He was a menacing figure. As he barked he would bounce around and show what I perceived as aggressive dissatisfaction that I had entered his domain. He scared the daylights out of me.
My wife bought some dog biscuits and attempted to coax the dog. He wouldn’t come close. She would set the biscuit on the curb and walk away but still the dog wouldn’t approach. Funny thing, though, every morning when we’d arrive, we found the biscuits had disappeared.
Karl eventually finished the home and assigned it to a realtor to sell. Karl quit coming, yet the dog guarded that house as if it were his own. A neighbor, Jacque would drive up every morning in her golf cart and put out the dry food and bring leftovers for Scrappy. Scrappy would hear the golf cart and come running but would stay his distance until Jacque left the meal and departed.
Another neighbor, Pete, would come down every day before he left for work and fill a bucket with water. Pete has a Yellow Lab named Ben. Ben would come with Pete for some of the deliveries. Pete told me that Scrappy would come to his house and play with Ben and once while they were playing, Pete was able to get close enough to pet Scrappy.
My wife continued to coax Scrappy with the biscuits and added sliced bologna to the routine. Scrappy became more and more comfortable but would keep his distance. I joined in on the daily ritual. We would sit on the curb and attempt to get Scrappy to come to us without success. We would then put the treats on the curb and move away. Scrappy would watch us then once we were at a safe distance away, he would approach and take his reward.
One day we were running late on our routine and Scarppy came into our yard to look for us. That day my wife left the treats in the back yard for Scrappy. We continued and eventually Scrap as I called him, accepted that our back yard was a safe place. He would come early and wait in the very back of the yard for his daily. We would slowly move closer and closer to the retrieval area Finally, one day scrap got close enough to take the bologna from my hand and allowed me to pet him for just a short few seconds. It was two weeks before I could pet him again. But my wife finally got him to come to her and she was able to hand feed and pet the dog. He would hang around our place quite often and would then let us both pet him. We looked forward to it.
When the weather got cold, we coaxed him into the garage where we placed a blanket covered dog bed. He took to it. One night we decided to see what would happen if we closed the door. To our surprise, this wild dog let out a heavy breath of relaxation and went to sleep. He was still sleeping when I went to the garage the next morning. The dog who had to hunker down at night and be ever so vigilant for predators could finally relax and sleep comfortably.
He has since adopted us and sleeps in our garage every night. I built him a dog house which he has never been in. Every morning when I come out, he rolls on his back and awaits his daily full body massage and hot breakfast. I then open the door and he goes out to make his rounds. First stop is the empty house still waiting for a buyer. Next he goes to visit Ben and Pete. Pete can now pet him at will. No one else can get close enough to pet him. Bert, another neighbor who had once called animal control is greeted daily when he comes out to get his paper. Bert is heard to say “Good Morning Doggie, ready for your cookie?”
Scrappy is one of the sweetest lovingest dogs I have ever encountered. He loves the leash but thinks it’s for playing tug of war. Once during a tug of war, the collar came off his neck. He stopped walk up to me and put his head through the collar, then dutifully resumed the game. He gladly will hop in the truck to go for a ride. He’s just a sweetheart and we are so lucky that he has allowed us into his life.
Read this article for the truth about the pit bull myth.
I read all the articles about Pit Bulls and how they should be outlawed. I read that when they bite, their jaws lock and you can’t get them to let go even by killing them. I heard that once they taste blood, that’sit, they’ll go after it at every chance. I believed it. It must be true. I read it over and over in the papers and saw it on the TV news.
Then came Scrappy.
Just about a year ago, we closed escrow on our house. The house is twenty years old and the previous tenants had ben foreclosed on. It sits on the end of a culdesac. There are only three houses on the street and one was just built and has never been occupied.
According to the neighbors, about two years ago this young black male American Pit Bull appeared in the neighborhood. Speculation is that he had been abandoned by someone who had been foreclosed on and couldn’t bear to take him to the shelter. Another theory is that he was a run away from an abusive owner. Either way, this dog was wild and nobody could get close to him. No one had ever petted this dog. Neighbors felt sorry for him and put out water and dry food as well as table scraps. The pit would watch from a distance and when he felt safe would go after the scraps. He didn’t feel safe eating them there and would cart the scraps off to a safer place in the brush or in the hills before gobbling them down. He soon was dubbed “Scrappy.”
Scrappy would hunker down where he felt safe and would usually bark throughout the night whenever a car, person, or animal would come into the neighborhood. County Animal Control had been called but Scrappy would run and hide in the hills upon their arrival.
Along comes a home builder named Karl. Karl builds houses in custom neighborhoods for a living. He bought the half acre parcel and proceeded to build just about the time this vicious pit bull, Scrappy had been dropped off in the neighborhood. As Karl framed and enclosed the house, he installed a chain link fence. The Pit discovered that it was good shelter at night. He could stay on the porch of this house and could see enemies coming towards him as well as having exits for a getaway.
As Karl worked on the house, he would try to on breaks to coax Scrappy with bits of his lunch and snacks. It took a long while but he and Scrappy became friends. Karl had tamed the savage beast. Scrappy now became the protector of Karl’s property and barked angrily whenever someone besides Karl would come close to the construction. Only Karl could get close enough to this animal to pet him.
Karl was finishing his construction just about the time my wife and I closed on our house. We decided that our new home which had been built twenty years prior needed lots of remodel before we could move in. Every morning I would come to work on the house. Scrappy would bark at me then watch as I entered the house. He was a menacing figure. As he barked he would bounce around and show what I perceived as aggressive dissatisfaction that I had entered his domain. He scared the daylights out of me.
My wife bought some dog biscuits and attempted to coax the dog. He wouldn’t come close. She would set the biscuit on the curb and walk away but still the dog wouldn’t approach. Funny thing, though, every morning when we’d arrive, we found the biscuits had disappeared.
Karl eventually finished the home and assigned it to a realtor to sell. Karl quit coming, yet the dog guarded that house as if it were his own. A neighbor, Jacque would drive up every morning in her golf cart and put out the dry food and bring leftovers for Scrappy. Scrappy would hear the golf cart and come running but would stay his distance until Jacque left the meal and departed.
Another neighbor, Pete, would come down every day before he left for work and fill a bucket with water. Pete has a Yellow Lab named Ben. Ben would come with Pete for some of the deliveries. Pete told me that Scrappy would come to his house and play with Ben and once while they were playing, Pete was able to get close enough to pet Scrappy.
My wife continued to coax Scrappy with the biscuits and added sliced bologna to the routine. Scrappy became more and more comfortable but would keep his distance. I joined in on the daily ritual. We would sit on the curb and attempt to get Scrappy to come to us without success. We would then put the treats on the curb and move away. Scrappy would watch us then once we were at a safe distance away, he would approach and take his reward.
One day we were running late on our routine and Scarppy came into our yard to look for us. That day my wife left the treats in the back yard for Scrappy. We continued and eventually Scrap as I called him, accepted that our back yard was a safe place. He would come early and wait in the very back of the yard for his daily. We would slowly move closer and closer to the retrieval area Finally, one day scrap got close enough to take the bologna from my hand and allowed me to pet him for just a short few seconds. It was two weeks before I could pet him again. But my wife finally got him to come to her and she was able to hand feed and pet the dog. He would hang around our place quite often and would then let us both pet him. We looked forward to it.
When the weather got cold, we coaxed him into the garage where we placed a blanket covered dog bed. He took to it. One night we decided to see what would happen if we closed the door. To our surprise, this wild dog let out a heavy breath of relaxation and went to sleep. He was still sleeping when I went to the garage the next morning. The dog who had to hunker down at night and be ever so vigilant for predators could finally relax and sleep comfortably.
He has since adopted us and sleeps in our garage every night. I built him a dog house which he has never been in. Every morning when I come out, he rolls on his back and awaits his daily full body massage and hot breakfast. I then open the door and he goes out to make his rounds. First stop is the empty house still waiting for a buyer. Next he goes to visit Ben and Pete. Pete can now pet him at will. No one else can get close enough to pet him. Bert, another neighbor who had once called animal control is greeted daily when he comes out to get his paper. Bert is heard to say “Good Morning Doggie, ready for your cookie?”
Scrappy is one of the sweetest lovingest dogs I have ever encountered. He loves the leash but thinks it’s for playing tug of war. Once during a tug of war, the collar came off his neck. He stopped walk up to me and put his head through the collar, then dutifully resumed the game. He gladly will hop in the truck to go for a ride. He’s just a sweetheart and we are so lucky that he has allowed us into his life.
Read this article for the truth about the pit bull myth.
The Good Indians
My grandmother was full blooded American Indian. That puts me at a quarter. I recently had a DNA test that verified it at 28%. So there must have been a little on my mother's side, too. Our originating tribe was the Wicocomico in Maryland. The tribe was dissolved and our lands taken in 1719. Many of our ancestors made there way south to Kentucky where they assimilated with the Chippewa, Chickasaw, or Cherokee. I grew up thinking we were Chippewa.
As a boy, I looked Indian. My brother looked Indian. One of my sisters looked Indian. My dad looked Indian. As a child, we were raised to be proud of our Indian heritage and my oldest sister (the one that looked the least like an Indian) even wrote a little jingle to the tune of “Harrigan” where one line was “proud of all the Indian blood that’s in me...”
My father, who had been called “Chief” all his life, looks like a full blooded Indian. My great grandmother wanted my father to go to the Indian college and was disappointed when he chose the University of Missouri for their football program instead. To go to Haskell Indian School, you must be a quarter blood and a requirement that was not there when my father was that age, you have to be registered with a tribe recognized by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs.
When the Indians were defeated and moved to the reservation , every effort was made from that point forward to get the Indians to assimilate into society. There were many who did just that. They got educated and worked hard to move into the white society. It wasn’t easy but they did it. My family saw first hand how there was still discrimination into the late 60's. On one family vacation in particular, we stopped at a resort to see about buying some ice for our camping coolers. My father was told to “go around back.” We all got a big kick out of it. He was the Fire Chief of our small Missouri town at the time.
My family is not registered with any tribe and by all accounts were good Indians and assimilated into society just fine. Although, as a teenager I was called “Little Chief” and while stationed in the Marine Corps in Jacksonville, Florida, was nicknamed “Savage.”
The bad Indians stayed on the reservation and either made no attempt whatsoever to move into the white society or failed and gave up. Either way, they stayed and lived in poverty on the reservations. No one kept records of what happened to the good Indians.
Throughout the sixties to the present we are taught not to discriminate and “tolerance” is the buzz word of the modern era. We associate this not only with the Indian but with blacks, hispanics, jewish people, and orientals. Recently the state of California has officially apologized to the Chinese for the discrimination they suffered when brought to the US as cheap labor to build railroads.
In the 70's Russell Bryan and his wife Helen, a Chippewa couple in Minnesota living in a trailer on the reservation received a property tax bill from Itasca County. They had never received one before and certainly didn’t wish to pay it. Seeking legal relief, they lost in local court, lost in appeals to district and the Minnesota Supreme Court, but won unanimlously on appeal to the US Supreme Court who not only ruled that states lack authority to tax Indians but lack authority to regulate activities on Indian land. This opened the doors for Indian Gaming.
Today, 225 of the 562 recognized tribes have gaming operations and 73 are seeing per capita payments, some as high as top executive level paydays. There are 425 Indian gaming operations in 28 states. (Some tribes have more than one casino.)
The tribes and the US government are very tight lipped about per cap payments. Government and Indian gaming websites talk in percentages of growth increases rather than amounts. Overall, American Indians still live in poverty with an average income per capita less than half of the average american according to the 2000 census. However, reports that in 2000, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community in Minnesota (estimated enrollment is fewer than 300), provides each member with about $75,000 monthly.
The same website shows that the good Indian, now an average American made approximately $21,587 for that same entire year.
July 29, 2009
As a boy, I looked Indian. My brother looked Indian. One of my sisters looked Indian. My dad looked Indian. As a child, we were raised to be proud of our Indian heritage and my oldest sister (the one that looked the least like an Indian) even wrote a little jingle to the tune of “Harrigan” where one line was “proud of all the Indian blood that’s in me...”
My father, who had been called “Chief” all his life, looks like a full blooded Indian. My great grandmother wanted my father to go to the Indian college and was disappointed when he chose the University of Missouri for their football program instead. To go to Haskell Indian School, you must be a quarter blood and a requirement that was not there when my father was that age, you have to be registered with a tribe recognized by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs.
When the Indians were defeated and moved to the reservation , every effort was made from that point forward to get the Indians to assimilate into society. There were many who did just that. They got educated and worked hard to move into the white society. It wasn’t easy but they did it. My family saw first hand how there was still discrimination into the late 60's. On one family vacation in particular, we stopped at a resort to see about buying some ice for our camping coolers. My father was told to “go around back.” We all got a big kick out of it. He was the Fire Chief of our small Missouri town at the time.
My family is not registered with any tribe and by all accounts were good Indians and assimilated into society just fine. Although, as a teenager I was called “Little Chief” and while stationed in the Marine Corps in Jacksonville, Florida, was nicknamed “Savage.”
The bad Indians stayed on the reservation and either made no attempt whatsoever to move into the white society or failed and gave up. Either way, they stayed and lived in poverty on the reservations. No one kept records of what happened to the good Indians.
Throughout the sixties to the present we are taught not to discriminate and “tolerance” is the buzz word of the modern era. We associate this not only with the Indian but with blacks, hispanics, jewish people, and orientals. Recently the state of California has officially apologized to the Chinese for the discrimination they suffered when brought to the US as cheap labor to build railroads.
In the 70's Russell Bryan and his wife Helen, a Chippewa couple in Minnesota living in a trailer on the reservation received a property tax bill from Itasca County. They had never received one before and certainly didn’t wish to pay it. Seeking legal relief, they lost in local court, lost in appeals to district and the Minnesota Supreme Court, but won unanimlously on appeal to the US Supreme Court who not only ruled that states lack authority to tax Indians but lack authority to regulate activities on Indian land. This opened the doors for Indian Gaming.
Today, 225 of the 562 recognized tribes have gaming operations and 73 are seeing per capita payments, some as high as top executive level paydays. There are 425 Indian gaming operations in 28 states. (Some tribes have more than one casino.)
The tribes and the US government are very tight lipped about per cap payments. Government and Indian gaming websites talk in percentages of growth increases rather than amounts. Overall, American Indians still live in poverty with an average income per capita less than half of the average american according to the 2000 census. However, reports that in 2000, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community in Minnesota (estimated enrollment is fewer than 300), provides each member with about $75,000 monthly.
The same website shows that the good Indian, now an average American made approximately $21,587 for that same entire year.
July 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Politicians- Oh My God!
I have long had a theory about most politicians. The theory is that one becomes a politician to get good pay for doing absolutely nothing. When confronted with this, they will try to prove you wrong by doing something and that something is usually bad news for the taxpayer. Obviously, this is not all politicians and many do go into politics because they want to see changes in government. Unfortunately, most have no clue what they are doing or why.
Here’s a couple stories I have recently heard about.
The first was just last Thursday in Bedford, Ohio just outside Cleveland. Andrew Mizsak lives with his parents. He has a room in their basement and doesn’t pay rent. His mother is a city councilwoman. Apparently Andrew is a 28 year old, 275 pound slob. He’s also a school board member and is very active in local politics.
According to the report, Andrew’s father asked him to clean his room. Andrew threw a plate of food across the room and then threw a tantrum. He balled up his fist apparently threatening his father. Dad called 911.
When police arrived, the father said he had over reacted and didn’t want to press charges because he didn’t want to ruin his son’s political career. Police said Andrew was crying uncontrollably and said he would comply with his father’s request to clean the room.
Good grief! It seems that Andrew learned from his parent’s that the easiest way towards success is to be a politician and leach off the taxpayers. It’s also obvious that this guy has no self control or self discipline. THIS GUY MAKES DECISIONS THAT AFFECT THE LIVES OF SCHOOL CHILDREN!
Here’s Sen. Harry Reid saying that taxes are voluntary. Does this guy live in the real world? Evidently, this is the way Democrats think. How many Obama cabinet appointees hadn’t paid their taxes.
And here’s the last one for the day.
Senator Robert Menendez, New Jersey obviously has no clue the difference between income taxes and capital gains tax or anything else. This guy makes decisions daily that affect every American!,2933,446625,00.html
We could go on forever....
Here’s a couple stories I have recently heard about.
The first was just last Thursday in Bedford, Ohio just outside Cleveland. Andrew Mizsak lives with his parents. He has a room in their basement and doesn’t pay rent. His mother is a city councilwoman. Apparently Andrew is a 28 year old, 275 pound slob. He’s also a school board member and is very active in local politics.
According to the report, Andrew’s father asked him to clean his room. Andrew threw a plate of food across the room and then threw a tantrum. He balled up his fist apparently threatening his father. Dad called 911.
When police arrived, the father said he had over reacted and didn’t want to press charges because he didn’t want to ruin his son’s political career. Police said Andrew was crying uncontrollably and said he would comply with his father’s request to clean the room.
Good grief! It seems that Andrew learned from his parent’s that the easiest way towards success is to be a politician and leach off the taxpayers. It’s also obvious that this guy has no self control or self discipline. THIS GUY MAKES DECISIONS THAT AFFECT THE LIVES OF SCHOOL CHILDREN!
Here’s Sen. Harry Reid saying that taxes are voluntary. Does this guy live in the real world? Evidently, this is the way Democrats think. How many Obama cabinet appointees hadn’t paid their taxes.
And here’s the last one for the day.
Senator Robert Menendez, New Jersey obviously has no clue the difference between income taxes and capital gains tax or anything else. This guy makes decisions daily that affect every American!,2933,446625,00.html
We could go on forever....
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Bone-in Ribeye
(since the time I originally wrote this article, I found out and admit, I was completely wrong. It is the same cut of meat without the bone.)
Government spends billions of dollars protecting us from ourselves and those that would scam us. So, why doesn’t government do something about the scam meat cutters, butcher shops, and grocery stores have duped us with over the past twenty years? What I’m talking about is the "bone-in ribeye steak."
It was a genius marketing scam that has caused rib steak prices to rise and allowed countless restaurants to sell lesser quality meat as a rib-eye.
On a beef cow, just behind the shoulder is where the ribs are. Much like those of a person. Where the rib comes off the back and around the side is where the rib meat is cut from.
The eye of the rib is cut from the inside the cow’s rib. Hence the name "ribeye."
The meat outside the rib stays with the rib so there is less waste for the meat industry. That cut is called the rib steak or rib roast. It is not a "bone-in ribeye" any more than the area outside a hurricane wall would be called the outside eye of the hurricane. On a hurricane only the inner area of the wall is referred to as the eye. The same goes for a steak. Only the inner portion of the rib is the eye.
When I was a kid, in the not so distant past (although it was the last century), the rib steak was sometimes called a "cowboy steak."
I have no idea why. The ribeye was the wealthy cut, with the best flavor and the tenderest meat. The tenderloin or filet mignon was the most expensive cut which was cut from the inner roll of the sirloin just behind the ribs. It was all so easy and you knew what you were buying. Now, the stores rename the cuts to make us believe we’re buying something we’re not. The flyer in the paper says "ribeye $3.77 a pound" with a small print beside it that says "bone-in."
It’s downright dishonest and lord help the poor waitress who brings me a rib steak when I’ve ordered a ribeye. Be safe, order a t-bone or a porterhouse. Hopefully the restaurant will know the difference.
Government spends billions of dollars protecting us from ourselves and those that would scam us. So, why doesn’t government do something about the scam meat cutters, butcher shops, and grocery stores have duped us with over the past twenty years? What I’m talking about is the "bone-in ribeye steak."
It was a genius marketing scam that has caused rib steak prices to rise and allowed countless restaurants to sell lesser quality meat as a rib-eye.
On a beef cow, just behind the shoulder is where the ribs are. Much like those of a person. Where the rib comes off the back and around the side is where the rib meat is cut from.
The eye of the rib is cut from the inside the cow’s rib. Hence the name "ribeye."

When I was a kid, in the not so distant past (although it was the last century), the rib steak was sometimes called a "cowboy steak."

It’s downright dishonest and lord help the poor waitress who brings me a rib steak when I’ve ordered a ribeye. Be safe, order a t-bone or a porterhouse. Hopefully the restaurant will know the difference.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Dog Shot By Police
Several years ago, I was visiting my parents and my sister was there. We were sitting in the living room talking and the news was on in the background. One of the day’s stories was that the police were chasing a fleeing robbery suspect. The suspect jumped a fence into a yard where there was a big dog. A policeman followed and was confronted by the dog. The policeman shot the dog, then took the suspect into custody.
This created quite a discussion. Of course, I saw the side of the officer and my sister saw the side of the dog owner. It may not have seemed like it to her, but I listened to my sister’s opinion. As a supervisor, I always used this discussion as a teaching tool to my troops.
As a cop, if I’m chasing a fleeing felon, I have every right to chase him wherever he goes. If he runs to his own house or anyone else’s and I’m in what the court deems "hot pursuit," then I’m chasing him in to make the arrest. No warrant is needed and I have violated no rights. Now during that, I’m confronted by a growling dog and that dog attacks me, I have every right to protect myself.
As a homeowner, my dog is locked up in my yard and someone comes in, no matter what reason, and my dog protects my property by attacking the uninvited guest. That guest better not kill my dog. Not even if it’s a cop.
Now for a cop, the trick here, is to have gone over this scenario in your mind long before it ever happens. That’s training, and it’s a fact that in situations where there is little time to think, you will revert back to your training.
An animal control officer (dog catcher) gave me a little insight into animal behavior. First of all, dog’s bark. That’s how they communicate. Most dogs, like people are protective of their domain. Even a scared dog will attack if he feels cornered. Don’t worry just because a dog is barking and coming towards you, but if he’s growling and is chomping his choppers, you’d better watch out.
Most police officers (in southern California anyway) are fairly well educated and were hired because of their ability to multi-task. Talk on the radio while driving for instance and at the same time putting up the windows so you can activate the siren and the lights. Keeping your "head on a swivel" while watching the suspects for tell, tell movements of certain activity. You get what I mean.
So my training was not to tell an officer exactly how to act. There are laws, rules, and regs of what you can and can’t do. What I trained them, was to see all sides and look for all possibilities before the incident so when and if it happened, they could revert back to that training and do not only what was legally right, but what they felt was also morally right.
I’m happy to say that in my career as a police supervisor, no one shot a dog on my shift.
This created quite a discussion. Of course, I saw the side of the officer and my sister saw the side of the dog owner. It may not have seemed like it to her, but I listened to my sister’s opinion. As a supervisor, I always used this discussion as a teaching tool to my troops.
As a cop, if I’m chasing a fleeing felon, I have every right to chase him wherever he goes. If he runs to his own house or anyone else’s and I’m in what the court deems "hot pursuit," then I’m chasing him in to make the arrest. No warrant is needed and I have violated no rights. Now during that, I’m confronted by a growling dog and that dog attacks me, I have every right to protect myself.
As a homeowner, my dog is locked up in my yard and someone comes in, no matter what reason, and my dog protects my property by attacking the uninvited guest. That guest better not kill my dog. Not even if it’s a cop.
Now for a cop, the trick here, is to have gone over this scenario in your mind long before it ever happens. That’s training, and it’s a fact that in situations where there is little time to think, you will revert back to your training.
An animal control officer (dog catcher) gave me a little insight into animal behavior. First of all, dog’s bark. That’s how they communicate. Most dogs, like people are protective of their domain. Even a scared dog will attack if he feels cornered. Don’t worry just because a dog is barking and coming towards you, but if he’s growling and is chomping his choppers, you’d better watch out.
Most police officers (in southern California anyway) are fairly well educated and were hired because of their ability to multi-task. Talk on the radio while driving for instance and at the same time putting up the windows so you can activate the siren and the lights. Keeping your "head on a swivel" while watching the suspects for tell, tell movements of certain activity. You get what I mean.
So my training was not to tell an officer exactly how to act. There are laws, rules, and regs of what you can and can’t do. What I trained them, was to see all sides and look for all possibilities before the incident so when and if it happened, they could revert back to that training and do not only what was legally right, but what they felt was also morally right.
I’m happy to say that in my career as a police supervisor, no one shot a dog on my shift.
A Century of Longevity
I read an article about how this socialized nationalized medicine will cause medical research to become pretty much non-existent and how much it has helped us longevity wise in the last century. Every year our nation's longevity gets a little longer. Of course the article gave credit entirely to medicine.
That got me thinking. Fifty years ago, it was common for weekly bathing instead of daily. It seems to me that daily bathing had a lot to do with the prevention of disease and bacteria. What about dishwashers? That had to have killed zillions of bacteria from hot water and heated drying. Same for heated clothes drying rather than line hanging.
I read this morning where one school had 17 cases of chickenpox. They tracked it back to one Mexican kid who hadn't been vaccinated and whose family takes him to Mexico regularly for visits. Reminded me of the article I read where polio is showing it's ugly face in Mexico and other countries. Hmmmm.
That got me thinking. Fifty years ago, it was common for weekly bathing instead of daily. It seems to me that daily bathing had a lot to do with the prevention of disease and bacteria. What about dishwashers? That had to have killed zillions of bacteria from hot water and heated drying. Same for heated clothes drying rather than line hanging.
I read this morning where one school had 17 cases of chickenpox. They tracked it back to one Mexican kid who hadn't been vaccinated and whose family takes him to Mexico regularly for visits. Reminded me of the article I read where polio is showing it's ugly face in Mexico and other countries. Hmmmm.
The Last Run
This is a little something I wrote about my final day as a cop after 20 years of chasing bad guys.
"It was a day of mixed emotions. The excitement of leaving, and the sadness of leaving. I was going crazy inside when I was turning in my equipment, then again when I gave up my guns. Yesterday morning was a long drive from home to the station, knowing I was turning my unit over. As I turned the last corner to the station, I flipped on the lights and siren and made one last run. No one saw it. It was only two blocks and was only at 25mph, but I loved it. It was the best run ever."
Uncle_R 3/8/2008
"It was a day of mixed emotions. The excitement of leaving, and the sadness of leaving. I was going crazy inside when I was turning in my equipment, then again when I gave up my guns. Yesterday morning was a long drive from home to the station, knowing I was turning my unit over. As I turned the last corner to the station, I flipped on the lights and siren and made one last run. No one saw it. It was only two blocks and was only at 25mph, but I loved it. It was the best run ever."
Uncle_R 3/8/2008
Monday, May 04, 2009
Name Change Resistance By The Drive-By Media
I often reflect on things that I notice. A lot of these things are obvious to me but no one seems to be talking about them. Here’s a couple things that have been on my mind recently.
Rush Limbaugh named the mass media "The Drive By Media" because the majority of the American media report only agenda driven stories and not report the real news. He says they report on "the flavor of the month" news. I find this true.
Last week, the CDC announced the recent swine flu virus had nothing to do with swine, only that the strain compared to those of past virus’ that were also called the swine flu. Apparently in Egypt, they slaughtered a bunch of pigs (I’m thinking it was around 3000) because of the hysteria created by the media and our government over this swine flu. So the CD said to no longer refer to it as swine flu but to use the new name "Influenza A/H1N1." So what happened. The media announced it yet continues to refer to it as the swine flu. This mornings headlines were that Mexico has reported receding number of "swine flu" cases being reported.
Let’s talk about Global Warming. If you do a little research, you’ll find that between 1895 and the 1970's, scientists believe the earth was cooling and that if we didn’t do something about it, the earth would return to the ice age. Then came along the others who went the other direction and has convinced the majority of our politicians of Global Warming. Al Gore was big on it and even won a Nobel for his 2006 "An Inconvenient Truth." Thanks to the internet and it’s vast resources, people caught onto this and caused an even bigger controversy. So what happened, the scientists who work on these theories from grant money and private contributions realized that the "greenhouse gasses" released into the ozone causes both cooling and warming. So they announced that "Global Warming" would now be known as "Climate Change." And, the media still calls it "Global Warming."
So why is this? Uncle R has opinions own everything just as most free thinkers, and here’s my opinion on this. The newspaper is a business and their business is to sell papers. It’s all about money. Sensationalism sells papers, not reporting the news. The truth is that we free thinkers want the news reported and if they only reported it the way they’re supposed to, the papers would sell. Instead, Americans are disenchanted with the media and newspapers are losing money and some are going out of business. Of course, the papers won’t admit this, they say the reason for the decline is that the resources are available in abundance on the internet for free. Obviously, it has nothing to do with quality of reporting.
There are those who have questioned Uncle R’s way of thinking and say I don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. So, for them, here’s a list of references.
I often reflect on things that I notice. A lot of these things are obvious to me but no one seems to be talking about them. Here’s a couple things that have been on my mind recently.
Rush Limbaugh named the mass media "The Drive By Media" because the majority of the American media report only agenda driven stories and not report the real news. He says they report on "the flavor of the month" news. I find this true.
Last week, the CDC announced the recent swine flu virus had nothing to do with swine, only that the strain compared to those of past virus’ that were also called the swine flu. Apparently in Egypt, they slaughtered a bunch of pigs (I’m thinking it was around 3000) because of the hysteria created by the media and our government over this swine flu. So the CD said to no longer refer to it as swine flu but to use the new name "Influenza A/H1N1." So what happened. The media announced it yet continues to refer to it as the swine flu. This mornings headlines were that Mexico has reported receding number of "swine flu" cases being reported.
Let’s talk about Global Warming. If you do a little research, you’ll find that between 1895 and the 1970's, scientists believe the earth was cooling and that if we didn’t do something about it, the earth would return to the ice age. Then came along the others who went the other direction and has convinced the majority of our politicians of Global Warming. Al Gore was big on it and even won a Nobel for his 2006 "An Inconvenient Truth." Thanks to the internet and it’s vast resources, people caught onto this and caused an even bigger controversy. So what happened, the scientists who work on these theories from grant money and private contributions realized that the "greenhouse gasses" released into the ozone causes both cooling and warming. So they announced that "Global Warming" would now be known as "Climate Change." And, the media still calls it "Global Warming."
So why is this? Uncle R has opinions own everything just as most free thinkers, and here’s my opinion on this. The newspaper is a business and their business is to sell papers. It’s all about money. Sensationalism sells papers, not reporting the news. The truth is that we free thinkers want the news reported and if they only reported it the way they’re supposed to, the papers would sell. Instead, Americans are disenchanted with the media and newspapers are losing money and some are going out of business. Of course, the papers won’t admit this, they say the reason for the decline is that the resources are available in abundance on the internet for free. Obviously, it has nothing to do with quality of reporting.
There are those who have questioned Uncle R’s way of thinking and say I don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. So, for them, here’s a list of references.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
'Splain This
I’m a numbers guy and I did the numbers on this one and I don’t unsderstand.
Last year, as I’m sure you’ll remember, a video was released by the Humane Society showing "downer" cows at the Westland Hallmark slaughterhouse being "mistreated" on the way to slaughter. This spurred a media outcry which announced the public’s rage causing a recall of 143 million pounds of beef at a taxpayer cost of $67 million plus. ($67M was the bill sent by the Fed to the company) The company filed bankruptcy and went out of business causing 220 employees to lose their jobs. Of course, Westland Hallmark never paid the bill. Taxpayers spent almost 50 cents a pound just for the recall. That’s not counting the taxpayer loss due to schools and public institutions
having to throw away millions of pounds of meat, none of which was ever proven bad.
Now, let’s go back even further to 2003. That year, legislation was passed to keep "downer" cows out of the food supply. The reasoning behind this was that "downer" cows were more likely to get "mad cow disease." That was after the big "mad cow" scare of that year.
Between 2003 and 2008, there was no government oversight to enforce these regulations and we’re told that "downer cows" continuously made their way into our food supply. There were reports of "mad cow" in the US, but I could find no reports of "downer" cows with the disease making their way into our grocery stores. Not one. There were also no reports of old and sick cows causing any consumer sickness or disease.
Jump to this year, March 14th. Congress passed the Downer Cow Bill providing "stiffer penalties" for those allowing these cows into our food chain. This legislation was introduced by Diane Feinstein of California.
So let’s summarize this. We mistreated cows right before we killed them and let old cows get into our food chain which caused absolutely no harm to anyone, ever. I’m sure there’s a study going on somewhere that is trying to prove stressed out cows produce less protein or have tougher meat or something.
Since, march 14th, I have noticed that meat prices have skyrocketed. Hamburger was on sale yesterday for $1.89 a pound. That’s on sale. Before that, I could buy 3 pound chubs at 99 cents a pound. Now they are $2.66 but on sale were $1.33. That’s a 35% increase. RibEye, T-Bone, and Porterhouse are all over $8 a pound, more than double what they were the first of this year.
We beef eaters are seeing our grocery bill double and our tax money wasted when there was NEVER a health hazard to any of us.
Uncle R 4-29-09 (the 100th day of the Obama Administration)
Last year, as I’m sure you’ll remember, a video was released by the Humane Society showing "downer" cows at the Westland Hallmark slaughterhouse being "mistreated" on the way to slaughter. This spurred a media outcry which announced the public’s rage causing a recall of 143 million pounds of beef at a taxpayer cost of $67 million plus. ($67M was the bill sent by the Fed to the company) The company filed bankruptcy and went out of business causing 220 employees to lose their jobs. Of course, Westland Hallmark never paid the bill. Taxpayers spent almost 50 cents a pound just for the recall. That’s not counting the taxpayer loss due to schools and public institutions
having to throw away millions of pounds of meat, none of which was ever proven bad.
Now, let’s go back even further to 2003. That year, legislation was passed to keep "downer" cows out of the food supply. The reasoning behind this was that "downer" cows were more likely to get "mad cow disease." That was after the big "mad cow" scare of that year.
Between 2003 and 2008, there was no government oversight to enforce these regulations and we’re told that "downer cows" continuously made their way into our food supply. There were reports of "mad cow" in the US, but I could find no reports of "downer" cows with the disease making their way into our grocery stores. Not one. There were also no reports of old and sick cows causing any consumer sickness or disease.
Jump to this year, March 14th. Congress passed the Downer Cow Bill providing "stiffer penalties" for those allowing these cows into our food chain. This legislation was introduced by Diane Feinstein of California.
So let’s summarize this. We mistreated cows right before we killed them and let old cows get into our food chain which caused absolutely no harm to anyone, ever. I’m sure there’s a study going on somewhere that is trying to prove stressed out cows produce less protein or have tougher meat or something.
Since, march 14th, I have noticed that meat prices have skyrocketed. Hamburger was on sale yesterday for $1.89 a pound. That’s on sale. Before that, I could buy 3 pound chubs at 99 cents a pound. Now they are $2.66 but on sale were $1.33. That’s a 35% increase. RibEye, T-Bone, and Porterhouse are all over $8 a pound, more than double what they were the first of this year.
We beef eaters are seeing our grocery bill double and our tax money wasted when there was NEVER a health hazard to any of us.
Uncle R 4-29-09 (the 100th day of the Obama Administration)
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