Monday, May 04, 2009

Name Change Resistance By The Drive-By Media


I often reflect on things that I notice. A lot of these things are obvious to me but no one seems to be talking about them. Here’s a couple things that have been on my mind recently.
Rush Limbaugh named the mass media "The Drive By Media" because the majority of the American media report only agenda driven stories and not report the real news. He says they report on "the flavor of the month" news. I find this true.

Last week, the CDC announced the recent swine flu virus had nothing to do with swine, only that the strain compared to those of past virus’ that were also called the swine flu. Apparently in Egypt, they slaughtered a bunch of pigs (I’m thinking it was around 3000) because of the hysteria created by the media and our government over this swine flu. So the CD said to no longer refer to it as swine flu but to use the new name "Influenza A/H1N1." So what happened. The media announced it yet continues to refer to it as the swine flu. This mornings headlines were that Mexico has reported receding number of "swine flu" cases being reported.

Let’s talk about Global Warming. If you do a little research, you’ll find that between 1895 and the 1970's, scientists believe the earth was cooling and that if we didn’t do something about it, the earth would return to the ice age. Then came along the others who went the other direction and has convinced the majority of our politicians of Global Warming. Al Gore was big on it and even won a Nobel for his 2006 "An Inconvenient Truth." Thanks to the internet and it’s vast resources, people caught onto this and caused an even bigger controversy. So what happened, the scientists who work on these theories from grant money and private contributions realized that the "greenhouse gasses" released into the ozone causes both cooling and warming. So they announced that "Global Warming" would now be known as "Climate Change." And, the media still calls it "Global Warming."

So why is this? Uncle R has opinions own everything just as most free thinkers, and here’s my opinion on this. The newspaper is a business and their business is to sell papers. It’s all about money. Sensationalism sells papers, not reporting the news. The truth is that we free thinkers want the news reported and if they only reported it the way they’re supposed to, the papers would sell. Instead, Americans are disenchanted with the media and newspapers are losing money and some are going out of business. Of course, the papers won’t admit this, they say the reason for the decline is that the resources are available in abundance on the internet for free. Obviously, it has nothing to do with quality of reporting.

There are those who have questioned Uncle R’s way of thinking and say I don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. So, for them, here’s a list of references.

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