Sunday, July 24, 2011

Milk Cartons to the Rescue

I don’t know where I read it, or maybe someone told me about it.  The theory is that to save energy cost, keep your refridgerator full.  The refridgerator is one of the highest users of electricity, next to the air conditioner.  I remember reading to fill up unused space with newspapers.  This would give the fridge/freezer less space to keep cool.  Then I heard this idea.  Fill up milk cartons and make ice.  It serves the fill the freezer idea plus it keeps it cold.  If you lose power, you’ve got it covered.  I then use the ice whenever I fill up the cooler.  Haven’t bought ice forever.  You can use both the plastic containers or the wax ones.  I prefer the wax.  That way when I need ice, I just bang one on the ground a few times to break it up and pour the ice in the cooler.  It destroys the carton but since we drink dairy products here at Uncle Ron’s, there’s always plenty.  If you use the plastic, bang it til it breaks up, then cut it open.  Be careful, it can be tricky.