Monday, August 06, 2012

Look At Me - That's Not What I Meant


Sometimes in this social networking world, we forget how easy it is for our words to be misinterpreted.  We, especially us older folks, communicate with more than just words.  There is the voice infliction, the eyes, and body language.  In the world of interview and interrogation, we even measure respiratory and gastro-intestinal response.  How about sweating, stuttering, and twitching.  If you ever get a chance to interview a heroin addict, you’ll see a lot of face scratching.      . 

Technology folks speculate that in the near future, we’ll once again watch for all these things as the keyboard will slowly  disappear.  I read one article where the writer said he believes schools will put more emphasis on listening than on reading and writing.  Interesting.

Until we get the upgraded versions of Skype, Dragon Speaking, etc., we’ll have to continue in our attempts to make people understand what we are typing.

For years, I taught a police report writing class and letting the reader know what you’re saying is extremely important.  It could be the difference whether or not a District Attorney’s office will prosecute a case.  I can tell you for a fact, that if the attorneys don’t understand you, the odds of your having to testify go up greatly.  Without knowing you, they tend to judge you on your written words.  The better a report is written, the better chance of the defense wanting to plea a case.

Here’s a little example that I used in my classes.  I can’t take credit for this one.  I learned it in a Field Training Officer class years ago.

Read the following sentence.

I didn’t say the truck was red.

Now, let’s break it down putting emphasis on different parts of the sentence shown here as the underlined part.

I didn’t say the truck was red.

He did.

I didn’t say the truck was red.

You may have interpreted it that way but I never actually said it.

I didn’t say the truck was red.

I said the car was red.

I didn’t say the truck was red.

I said it was a yellow, and I said it was the same color as that yellow fire truck.

How do we get past this communication gap?  If you’re the writer, proof read and if there’s a place where you feel it’s important, tell your reader what you mean.  If you’re the reader, ask questions.  Never take someone’s written word for it.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Curtis Martin - 2012 Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement

Over the years, one of the annual staples in my life is the pro football hall of fame inductions.  I absolutely love hearing the life stories of these famous, successful people.  Not only on the field but off.

In 1997, Mike Webster was introduced by Terry Bradshaw.  For those who don’t know, Mike was Terry’s center during the Steelers dynasty.  Mike suffered from the beatings his body and brain took during his career.  He became homeless and suffered from serious depression. Terry’s speech that day was so fabulous that I never thought it could be bested, ever.  Sorry, I couldn’t find a copy of that speech for you to view.

Then came the class of 2011.  Marshall Faulk’s speech was fantastic.

I thought, that’s as close as it’ll come. 

Then,  Neon Deion Sanders bested Terry’s speech by far.

Then out of no where, Shannon Sharpe, who my friend calls "gravely mouth" gave a heart felt speech that completely eclipsed Deion's.  There is no way anyone could give a speech to match Sharpe’s.  It was that dang good.

The class of 2012 was today August 4th, 2012.  There were some great speeches and as it came to the end, I thought to myself, yep “Shannon Sharpe can’t be beat.”  It will last a life time, if not, at least as long as Terry’s speech lasted as my minds best for 14 years.

 That’s when Curtis Martin came to the podium.  Words can not explain it.  You’ve got to see it for yourself.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Friend's of Steve McQueen

One week ago today, Memorial Day,  I was on the road.  I stopped to get gas in Shamrock, Texas. 

When I got back in my 05 Corvette Red Racer, the DIC (an appropriate name for the display) told me “low on oil.”  I checked it out and sure enough I was a full qt low.  I immediately became a hater of those measuring pumps that they use to add oil from 50 gal drums because I had just had the oil changed before leaving on the trip. 

So, back inside the station to ask for some Mobile 1.  Sorry, they said, you might try the ACE down the street.  Off I go but they don’t have any either.  This went on for several stops and I finally ended up at a Conoco station.  They didn’t have any either so I stood in line so I could ask the attendant where I could get some synthetic oil, preferably Mobile One in Shamrock, Tx on a holiday.  He gave me the now familiar head shake and said he didn’t think I could find any unless I headed on to Amarillo.
I was just about to PANIC when to my surprise, the guy in line behind me joins in with  “I got some in my trailer.”  I followed him out. 

On the side of his trailer the logo said “Friends of Steve McQueen.”  In the SUV pulling the toy hauler , sat a patient wife and family.  The guy opens the trailer’s side door, then a cabinet, and pulls out just the oil I need.  He wouldn’t take any money but I forced him to take ten bucks anyway.  Then we discussed the season finale of Alcatraz where they recreated the Bullitt chase. 

He and his family drove away while I poured the oil in the Red Racer.  I gave a hearty waive and they all waived back. 

Back in the cockpit and the DIC was no longer on.  I got back on the road wishing I had got his name and an email.  I realized that I’ve always been a fan of Steve McQueen, but now I am a really big fan of the Friend’s of Steve McQueen.  This guy was definitely a fantastic representative of the organization as well just a great guy!