Monday, March 01, 2010

A Case For Math


I remember sitting in freshman algebra doing graphs and thinking to myself how I would never use this in the real world. Boy was I wrong.

Forty two years later, not only do we see graphs constantly, I actually have drawn graphs to show relationships in classes that I was teaching.

Whenever I get my deferred compensation statement (my nest egg), I get a pie chart showing where each dollar of my investment is. Do I have enough to retire? Get that one wrong! Jeez, what about with an average of 3% inflation... Math, math...

This year is census year. That means next year we’ll see a plethora of demographic charts and graphs.

I remember thinking, ok, how will this affect me? It’s effects are startling if you think about it. Insurance companies use them constantly to do actuary studies to decide how much your premiums will be.

And what is all this? This is Math! Math is numbers.

Everything we do has a number relationship. First thing n the morning, the alarm goes off, you start the math.

If I can just sleep another half hour (fractions) then I’ll still have 45 minutes to get showered and off to work (subtraction). Do I have time for breakfst.

Recipes ½ cup this, quarter cup this. Half gallon milk. Fractions after fraction. Try replacing a teaspoon of salt with a tablespoon. Yuck!

The wife says “Do you have any money?” I subtract it from my wallet and add it to hers. Do the math. Will I now have enough for lunch or do I need to go to the bank and make a withdrawal from the ATM.

Don’t forget to subtract that withdrawal from the checkbook. Does it balance? Oh oh, running low on cash. How to pay the overdue bills.

Now my blood pressure is gonna go up from the stress. 180 over 120 when it should be 120 over 80. Math again. Makes your heart beat faster, math again.

Gotta get to work. How much gas do I have? I only have $5 to spare this morning, how much gas will that get me at $2.59 a gallon. Will that get to me work and back? Algebra. If I stop and it takes me ten minutes to gas up, how long do I have to make it to work? How much faster will I have to go? Math, algebra.

Then once at work. Engineering, all math, physics, geometry. Accounting, all math.
Construction, lot’s of math especially in design and in getting permits. Oh man, what happens if I miscalculate that bid?

Working a csh register, even an automated one. Get the math wrong the customer will let you know, and if not, at teh end of your shift when the register doesn't balance, the boss will let you know it. Math.

Even the burglar is calculating how much time he’s got before the alarm goes off and the cops arrive. Math, math, math.

Weight loss, weight gain, clothing sizes...math, math.

My union is negotiating a raise of 2%. How should I vote? Will the increase in pay put me in that higher tax bracket and actually give me less money? MATH.

A traffic officer reconstructs a major traffic accident. TRIGONOMETRY! Math, algebra, geometry, physics....

Face it, every part of our lives is math. Some simple math, other times higher. So next time your kid says “I’ll never need that in real life..”

Au contraire!

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