Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Century of Longevity

I read an article about how this socialized nationalized medicine will cause medical research to become pretty much non-existent and how much it has helped us longevity wise in the last century. Every year our nation's longevity gets a little longer. Of course the article gave credit entirely to medicine.
That got me thinking. Fifty years ago, it was common for weekly bathing instead of daily. It seems to me that daily bathing had a lot to do with the prevention of disease and bacteria. What about dishwashers? That had to have killed zillions of bacteria from hot water and heated drying. Same for heated clothes drying rather than line hanging.
I read this morning where one school had 17 cases of chickenpox. They tracked it back to one Mexican kid who hadn't been vaccinated and whose family takes him to Mexico regularly for visits. Reminded me of the article I read where polio is showing it's ugly face in Mexico and other countries. Hmmmm.

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