Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Politicians- Oh My God!

I have long had a theory about most politicians. The theory is that one becomes a politician to get good pay for doing absolutely nothing. When confronted with this, they will try to prove you wrong by doing something and that something is usually bad news for the taxpayer. Obviously, this is not all politicians and many do go into politics because they want to see changes in government. Unfortunately, most have no clue what they are doing or why.

Here’s a couple stories I have recently heard about.

The first was just last Thursday in Bedford, Ohio just outside Cleveland. Andrew Mizsak lives with his parents. He has a room in their basement and doesn’t pay rent. His mother is a city councilwoman. Apparently Andrew is a 28 year old, 275 pound slob. He’s also a school board member and is very active in local politics.

According to the report, Andrew’s father asked him to clean his room. Andrew threw a plate of food across the room and then threw a tantrum. He balled up his fist apparently threatening his father. Dad called 911.

When police arrived, the father said he had over reacted and didn’t want to press charges because he didn’t want to ruin his son’s political career. Police said Andrew was crying uncontrollably and said he would comply with his father’s request to clean the room.

Good grief! It seems that Andrew learned from his parent’s that the easiest way towards success is to be a politician and leach off the taxpayers. It’s also obvious that this guy has no self control or self discipline. THIS GUY MAKES DECISIONS THAT AFFECT THE LIVES OF SCHOOL CHILDREN!

Here’s Sen. Harry Reid saying that taxes are voluntary. Does this guy live in the real world? Evidently, this is the way Democrats think. How many Obama cabinet appointees hadn’t paid their taxes.

And here’s the last one for the day.
Senator Robert Menendez, New Jersey obviously has no clue the difference between income taxes and capital gains tax or anything else. This guy makes decisions daily that affect every American!,2933,446625,00.html

We could go on forever....

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