Saturday, February 27, 2010

More Tax Money Wasted

Is it just me, or does anyone else get upset when California has an $83.5 Billion long term debt and the assembley wastes time on declaring a No-Cussing week. Don't get me wrong, the no cussing thing isn't bad, but couldn't we promote it in schools, churches, at home, and/or some other places without wasting taxpayer money on it.
To refresh your memory on our debt (Just California), we have a little over 38 million people. That's babies to old folks, not just tax payers. Rounded off that's $2,200.00 of debt per person. So, if you live in the typical household of four, your debt to California is $8,800.00. That's not counting the $4,650 per person you owe the Fed, or $18,660 for that same household, totalling $27,460.00. And, that's just for right now. Wait til next year, and the year after that, and the year after that..... NO WONDER EVERYBODY"S CUSSING!

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