Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pray for a Miracle

Whenever someone is in need, we are asked to pray for them. Most times it’s when someone is sick, but others it’s when one is hurting. That hurting may be for the loss of a loved one or from other troubles. Sometimes we pray for people just because we want to pray for them. A lot of times, maybe most times, we pray for ourselves.

To be given the title of Saint (mostly in Catholicism), one must have given their life to God while living, and must perform miracles after death. Usually the miracles are performed after prayer to or through that person to let God tell us that person is worthy of sainthood.

So, if we can pray to someone for the purpose of asking God to allow that person to perform a miracle, then why not the ordinary person who died. Why not pray to that person to help them earn other positions in heaven or maybe for their souls to get to heaven if they are stuck in what we refer to as hell.

I had a friend who died a few years ago. He was not what I would call a Saint and did not commit his life on earth to the church or God (at least not publicly.)

Why can’t I pray to him? Perhaps that would give him the opportunity to deem himself worthy, since he may not have done it while on earth. Perhaps to make him an angel, a messenger of God.

I say, give it a try. What have we got to lose? You could be helping that soul and at the same time helping yourself, as well as the ones you are praying for. Maybe you could start out by praying to God and telling him you are going to try this by praying through someone else, like we do for Sainthood. Who knows maybe we can receive a miracle.

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