Friday, January 22, 2010

Government Crap!

The White House is doing it’s share of whining the last couple days. Obama is “trying to ride the wave of the public’s hate of Wall Street.” That’s from the AP. For those of us who have investments of one sort or another, we like that American business is making money and leading us on the way out of this bad economy. Funny how in our Land of Opportunity, we hate to see anyone succeed. Let me ask you this. Would your life change if the executives didn’t get a bonus this year? Then why are we against them? (Figuratively, cause I’m obviously not) We twist it around saying that it was banking and big business that got us into this mess, when all along it was our politicians who as far back as I can remember and probably further decided to make America a welfare country and give a free ride to those that are too lazy to work. I’ve watched two housing crisis’ in the last 20 years and both were caused by our congress passing laws forcing loans to people who can’t afford them. I remember when we bought our house on Faulkner just a few years ago. There was so many people pre-approved that we had to stand for hours waiting for our names to be called and if they weren’t we waited anxiously for the next release. I remember talking to a lot of people and then my wife and I discussing how could these people afford it when we just barely could (and my nest egg was large enough to pay cash.) One kid told us that his parents had taken a second on their home so he and his wife could make the down payment. Then there was the guy at work who never worked any overtime. He and his wife bought a huge new house with FHA loans with no money down. That house was half a million dollars. Then they took out a second so she could open a flower shop in a high dollar shopping center. All went good for about a year. They bought a class A RV, jet skis, converted a bedroom into a theatre room, and was talking about a second home in Havasu. Then shit hit the fan. They lost everything including their marriage. Our government says they are not to blame, but the banks who gave them the loans. That’s the easy way out. Who passed the Fannie Mae rules that allowed the loan and the second. Our good ol congress, but no, it’s not their fault. They feel we need to pass more bullshit regs and raise taxes to save all the people who screwed up. How much is $14.3 trillion dollars? That’s what?, $46,500.00 for every person in our country from newborn to deathbed. Better start saving to pay your taxes. The economic scholars say we’re already working every fourth year just for federal taxes. Isn’t this why we broke away from the King to start with? And that’s not counting state and local taxes, or any of the others. Next time you get a cell phone bill take a look at all the taxes and fees added on. Water, gas, and electric the same way. Gasoline, alcohol, cigarettes…. Now they want to add obesity taxes on soft drinks and so on and so on and so on…… Don’t even get me started on Health Care…..

Thanks for reading.

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