Friday, January 01, 2010

Standby to Standby

You may remember that my niece works for Southwest Airlines. They have a rewards program that gives them free “buddy passes” to fly standby.

My brother and his wife came up with a great idea to surprise my Mom on her 80th birthday. They would invite her over for a birthday dinner and we would be there, along with my sister from Georgia and her family. My other sister lives with my parents so it would be a surprise for her, too. So, my niece sent us tickets.

We were supposed to fly out on the 26th. My opinion, anyone with half a brain knows flying between Christmas and New Year is a bad idea. The flights are full. The week before Christmas would have been a better idea (even if the birthday dinner would have been early.) Now, add to that a huge snow storm in the Midwest. MCI (what used to be called KCI airport in Kansas City. MCI was the name for the old Kansas City airport) had to close Christmas Eve due to the weather. Every one who got cancelled was now moved to Christmas day and later flights. My niece and I talked and it didn’t look like we would be able to get there at all but she said we could try Christmas Day if we didn’t mind a huge layover in Vegas.

So, I make the normal Christmas phone call home Christmas morning and have a short talk with mom and my sister. My Dad is really hard of hearing and hates to talk on the phone so I was able to cut it short. They told me about going to my brother’s for Mom’s birthday. I said “Boy, I wish I could be there.” My brother was in the restaurant from his teens to his 50’s and is a great cook. He’s cooking beef stroganoff, one of Mom’s favorites. My sister recommended that I call mom there so I could talk to everyone. As I hung up the phone laughing to myself, my wife was handing me my car keys telling me we needed to be at the airport, NOW!

The Ontario airport was not busy at all. We got to Vegas with no trouble and even sat together on the plane. I checked in right away and was told there were only two more flights to Kansas City and both were full up, but they were both delayed, so check back about an hour before the flights.

We ate and my wife sat down to play some video poker. Now, that’s what I call an airport, a big casino with transportation. She was down about ten bucks when she hit for a hundie. Woohoo. In the mean time, in between time…. I was on the phone with our niece. She gave me a great pointer. She said just before a flight boards, let the employees at the gate know you are there and stand right there during boarding. That way, if there are cancellations, most agents will put you on the plane, rather than have to call names over the intercom, and wait for a response. It worked. Plus, I had did a little smoozing when I let her know we were there. I asked “Are you a volunteer or were you volunteered to work Christmas day?” She replied that it was her normal shift, so I said “I’m so sorry, but bless you for working.” Of course, had she said she volunteered, I would have also said “Well bless your heart for allowing others to be with their families.” Win, win.

So, we boarded the plane and off to the frozen tundra called Kansas City. Right after take off, the pilot told us to be prepared to be diverted to possibly Denver. Luckily, that didn’t happen.

Man, was it cold in KC. They said the actual temp was 11 but the wind chill made it feel like 8 below. Plus, there was over a foot of snow. Another pointer about flying stand by: carry on luggage only. Had we booked luggage, we would be looking for it and no telling where it would have gone. KCI is a great airport for homeland security stuff. The layout makes it easy to get in and out. We were at the car rental place pretty quick.

Apparently, this storm started out as rain, then it froze. Then the snow came on top of that. So, there was little traffic and we drove about 20 on the Interstate. Our hotel was the airport Hyatt so it wasn’t that far a drive. I pulled in and parked under the awning. Then, went inside and checked in. The girl was really nice and had also been volunteered to work Christmas. We got a great room with sitting area, fridge, wet bar, and a huge flat screen, all for $63 bucks a night. I asked what would be my best bet for parking and she said there was a side lot on high ground that would make it easier to get out in the morning. My wife stayed in the room and I went out to park the car. As I pulled around to that side lot, I slid straight on past and into the lower lot into a three foot drift with ice beneath. Failed attempts to drive out of it and several cuss words later, I activated the flashers and embarrassingly trodded back towards the front desk.

I was well prepared for calling American Express road service and expecting a long delay. It was already midnight, and in this weather I was sure they were busy. To my delight, two maintenance guys grabbed some shovels and said “Let’s go.” They dug me out and pushed until my tires grabbed and directed me into a parking spot. Then we went back inside and one of then asked if we were hungry saying they would open up the kitchen and cook us a burger. Now that’s what I call customer service. They got a nice big tip and I’ll praise them forever.

The next morning the roads were salted and enough traffic to clear a lane on the highways. Off to my brother’s house. My brother was working but my sister in law was there. She was shoveling the sidewalk as we pulled in. I told her I’d get it, but she said no, that my brother would be home soon and he has a snow blower. She just didn’t want us to have to trek through a foot of snow to get in the house.

We then went inside where her grandkids were watching Alvin and the Chipmonks. My airline niece and another niece were there. Then my brother arrived and he and I went out to do some snow clearing.

Now, here’s a valuable lesson learned. Never, ever throw a snow ball at the operator of a snow blower. You won’t win. We got it all cleared just in time for my sister and her clan to arrive.

My sister in law cooked a turkey sausage and mushroom lasagna. We stayed late and then headed back into the elements and the hotel.

The next morning we went back over. My brother was cooking stroganoff for fifteen and the girls were making salads, dips, cookies, and candies. That kitchen was packed. I grabbed a beer and made the kids change the channel to football. We discussed how to surprise my Mom but decided on not causing any heart attacks. We just kind stood in the kitchen and walked out. There were lot’s of happy tears flowing, and the day went off without a hitch. (except maybe those football games)

Right before time to head out, my niece called the airport and gave us the bad news. All the flights were over booked and there was no way we were getting out of there. So back to the hotel for a horrible sleep and then back to my brother’s the next morning. My niece said there’s good news. If we could just get lucky enough to get out of Kansas City to anywhere, then making it to Ontario would be a cake walk. So, we waited and about four in the afternoon, she says “There’s a small chance we can get you on the 7:05 to Vegas. The bad news is that it doesn’t look like we can get you to Ontario until tomorrow morning.”

So off to the airport we go. Checking in the rent a car was so fast. As I pulled up, the only thing the guy wanted was the mileage. We were out of there an to the terminal two hours ahead of the scheduled flight. It was delayed so we were there plenty early. We checked in and the girl said “Oh, xxxx's family.” Xxxx is the airline niece. This nice young lady said she was placing us one and two on the standby list and was confident we could make it out of KC. When the plane started boarding, I went over and she said I got you on. So out of KC we went to try our luck in Las Vegas.

The pilot made up for a little of the delay in the air but told the paying customers that connecting flights would be delayed so they wouldn’t miss the connections. We took our time going to the gate for the Ontario flight cause we already knew that we were gonna be sleeping in those nice comfortable airport chairs. I walked up and talked to this airline gal with a heavy german accent, and asked to be put on the standby list even though I had already been told of our odds. She pulled it up on the computer and said “Somebody already got you boarding passes.” That great girl in KC, the friend of my niece. So, we boarded right then and there and home we came. We were home by midnight, and I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight…..

Epilogue: We are so glad to be home, Here In California. I like organized and planned out. This trip was anything but, as far as travel. A good time was enjoyed by all.

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